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KDM-G1 DMS Driver Monitoring System
Effective speed rang:0km/h~180km/h
Warning speed range:10km/h~180km/h
Typical warning specifications: 1.Eye closure time within 3s exceeds 40% 2.yamn

Driver Monitoring System


DMS (Driver Monitoring System): Using the images acquired by the DMS camera, the driver's driving behavior and physiological state are detected through technologies such as visual tracking, target detection, and motion recognition. In the case of dangerous situations such as smoking , the system will give an alarm within the set time of the system to avoid accidents, which can effectively regulate the driving behavior of drivers and greatly reduce the probability of traffic accidents.

Product Functions:

1. Eye-closed Warning        2. Fatigue Warning

3. Distraction Warning        4. Smoking Warning

5. Make Call Warning         6. Filter Glasses

7. Night Environment          8. Face Identification

9. Data Management

Product Specifications:

  Minimum Value Typical Values Maximum Value Remarks
Effective Speed Range 0km/h   180km/h  
Warning Speed Range 10km/h   180km/h Minimum warning speed can be adjusted within a certain range
Detectable Head Level Attitude Angle -45°   45° Zero when the head is vertically facing the camera
Detectable Head Vertical Attitude Angle -25°   25° Zero when the head is facing the camera horizontally
Typical Warning Specification

1. With 3s driver has eyes closed more than 40%

2. Yawning

Maximum Duration of Warning   1s    
Alarm Blocking Time   3s   The minimum warning time interval between two adjacent warning
User Interaction When the alarm is triggered, the system will sound a warning  
Make Call Warning Call time is greater than 2s  
Smoking Warning Detection of driver's cigarette triggers an alarm  
Distraction Warning Within 4s driver has looked around more than 80%
Within 4s driver has looked down more than 80%
Contact us

Tel: 13715181445

Mailbox: kaylee@yulotech.com

URL: http://forextradingprofessional.com

Address:Teli Building, Shuibei 2nd Road, Luohu,Shenzhen, China

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