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13VM550ASII CCTV Camera lenses



13VM550ASII CCTV Camera lenses
Tele Type
Imager Size 1/3"
Focal Length 5-50mm
Aperture Range F/1.4-Close
Iris Manual Iris
Model No.13VM550AS II
Imager Size 1/3"
Mount Type CS
Focal Length 5 - 50mm
Aperture Range F/1.4 - Close
Field of View Angle
(Horizontal x Vertical) 1/3" Wide 53.6°  x  40.3°
Tele 5.6°  x  4.2°
1/4" Wide 40.3° x 30.1°
Tele 4.2° x 3.1°
Focusing Range 1.0m - ∞
Operation Focus Manual w/lockl
Zoom Manual w/lock
Iris Manual w/lock
Filter Size -
Bock Focal Distanc Wide : 10.05mm( in air )
Tele : 11.81mm( in air )
Wave Length Visible Light
Operating Voltage -
Weight 75g 士 4g
Operating Temperature -20°C - +60°C
* Specificotions subjected to change without ony notice.
Contact us

Tel: 13715181445

Mailbox: kaylee@yulotech.com

URL: http://forextradingprofessional.com

Address:Teli Building, Shuibei 2nd Road, Luohu,Shenzhen, China

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